Source code for pythx.middleware.base

"""This module contains the abstract base middleware class."""

import abc
from typing import Dict, Type
from pythx.types import RESPONSE_MODELS, REQUEST_MODELS

[docs]class BaseMiddleware(abc.ABC): """Abstract middleware class that can be used by developers to build their own. A middleware is expected to expose two methods: :code:`process_request` and :code:`process_response`. Each is expected to return and updated version of their input. The return type must be the same as the input type. As middlewares are processed sequentially, it is recommended that they are kept associative, meaning that the order in which middlewares are executed does not matter. In practice, this means that a middleware should not depend on the content of other middlewares, or return data that could break other middlewares that are executed after. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def process_request(self, req: REQUEST_MODELS) -> Dict: """Abstract method for a request processor. The implementation is expected to return an updated version of the request data dictionary. :param req: The request's data dictionary """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def process_response(self, resp: RESPONSE_MODELS) -> Type[RESPONSE_MODELS]: """Abstract method for a response processor. The implementation is expected to return an updated version of the response domain model. :param resp: The response domain model """ pass