Source code for pythx.api.handler

"""This module contains the API request handler implementation."""
from json import JSONDecodeError
import logging
import os
import re
import urllib.parse
from typing import Dict, List, Type
import requests
from mythx_models.exceptions import MythXAPIError
from mythx_models.response import DetectedIssuesResponse, IssueReport
from pythx.types import RESPONSE_MODELS, REQUEST_MODELS
from pythx.middleware.base import BaseMiddleware
from pydantic import parse_obj_as

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class APIHandler: """Handle the low-level API interaction. The API handler takes care of serializing API requests, sending them to the configured endpoint, parsing the response into its respective domain model, as well as registering and executing request/response middlewares. """ def __init__( self, middlewares: List[BaseMiddleware] = None, api_url: str = None ): """Instantiate a new API handler class. :param middlewares: A list of custom middlewares to include :param api_url: A custom API endpoint for dedicated MythX deployments """ middlewares = middlewares if middlewares is not None else [] self.middlewares = middlewares self.api_url = self._normalize_url( api_url or os.environ.get("MYTHX_API_URL") or DEFAULT_API_URL ) @staticmethod def _normalize_url(url: str) -> str: """Normalize the MythX API URL. This will remove the v-suffix if given, because it is automatically added in the request path definitions of the domain models. Furthermore, it adds a trailing / if not given, to avoid the siffix being ignored by Python's urljoin method. :param url: The URL to normalize :return: The normalized URL """ url = re.sub(r"v\d+/?", "", url) return url + "/" if not url.endswith("/") else url
[docs] @staticmethod def send_request(request_data: Dict, auth_header: Dict[str, str] = None) -> Dict: """Send a request to the API. This method takes a data dictionary holding the request's method (HTTP verb), any additional headers, the URL to send the request to, its payload, and any URL parameters it requires. This dictionary is generated by the APIHandler.assemble_request method. An example for getting the detected issues for an analysis job's UUID: .. code-block:: python3 { "method": "GET", "headers": {}, "url": "<uuid>/issues", "payload": "", "params": {} } If the action requires authentication, the auth headers are passed in a separate, optional parameter. It holds the user's JWT access token. If the request fails (returns a non 200 status code), a :code:`MythXAPIError` is raised. :param request_data: The request data dictionary :param auth_header: The authorization header carrying the access token :return: The raw response payload string """ if auth_header is None: auth_header = {} method = request_data["method"].upper() headers = request_data["headers"] headers.update(auth_header) url = request_data["url"] payload = request_data["payload"] params = request_data["params"] response = requests.request( method=method, url=url, headers=headers, json=payload, params=params ) LOGGER.debug(print_request(response.request)) LOGGER.debug(print_response(response)) if not 199 < response.status_code < 300: raise MythXAPIError( "Got unexpected status code {}: {}".format( response.status_code, response.content.decode() ) ) try: content = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: raise MythXAPIError( "Got unexpected response data: Expected JSON but got {}".format( response.text ) ) return content
[docs] def execute_request_middlewares(self, req: Dict) -> Dict: """Sequentially execute the registered request middlewares. Each middleware gets the request's data dictionary as generated by the APIHandler.assemble_request method. On top of the request any manipulations can be made. It is worth mentioning here that this is a simple loop iterating over the middleware list, calling each middleware's :code:`process_request` method. It is expected that each registered middleware exposes this method and returns a data dictionary in the same format as the one passed in. It also means that the order in which middlewares are registered can matter, even though it is recommended that middlewares are kept associative in nature. :param req: The request's data dictionary :return: The updated data dict - ready to be sent to the API """ for mw in self.middlewares: LOGGER.debug("Executing request middleware: %s", mw) req = mw.process_request(req) return req
[docs] def execute_response_middlewares(self, resp: RESPONSE_MODELS) -> RESPONSE_MODELS: """Sequentially execute the registered response middlewares. Each middleware gets the serialized response domain model. On top of the request any manipulations can be made. Furthermode, each domain model's helper methods can be used. It is worth mentioning here that this is a simple loop iterating over the middleware list, calling each middleware's :code:`process_response` method. It is expected that each registered middleware exposes this method and returns a domain model of the same type as the one passed in. It also means that the order in which middlewares are registered can matter, even though it is recommended that middlewares are kept associative in nature. :param resp: The response domain model :return: The updated response domain model - ready to be passed on to the user """ for mw in self.middlewares: LOGGER.debug("Executing response middleware: %s", mw) resp = mw.process_response(resp=resp) return resp
[docs] def parse_response( self, resp: dict, model_cls: Type[RESPONSE_MODELS] ) -> RESPONSE_MODELS: """Parse the API response into its respective domain model variant. This method takes the raw HTTP response and a class it should deserialize the responsse data into. As each domain model implements the :code:`from_json` method, we simply call it on the raw input data and return the resulting model. If a deserialization or validation error is raised, it is not caught and directly passed on to the user. :param resp: The raw HTTP response JSON payload :param model_cls: The domain model class the data should be deserialized into :return: The domain model holding the response data """ if type(resp) is list and model_cls is DetectedIssuesResponse: m = DetectedIssuesResponse(issue_reports=parse_obj_as(List[IssueReport], resp)) else: m = model_cls(**resp) return self.execute_response_middlewares(m)
[docs] def assemble_request(self, req: REQUEST_MODELS) -> Dict: """Assemble a request that is later sent to the API. This method generates an intermediate data dictionary format holding all the relevant request data needed by the API. This encompasses the HTTP verb, the request payload content (if there is any), the request's URL parameters, additional headers, as well as the API endpoint the request should be sent to. Each of these data points is encoded in the domain model as a property. The endpoint URL is constructed from the domain model's path (e.g. :code:`/v1/auth/login`) and the API base path: :code:``, which is contained in the library configuration module. Before the serialized request is returned, all registered middlewares are applied to it. :param req: The request domain model :return: The serialized request with all middlewares applied """ url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.api_url, req.endpoint) base_request = { "method": req.method, "payload": req.payload, "params": { k: v for k, v in req.parameters.items() if v is not None and v != "" }, "headers": req.headers, "url": url, } return self.execute_request_middlewares(base_request)